Can Social Media Help with Food Marketing?

Almost every young person in the UK has at least one social media account. This could be Facebook to Instagram, engaging with everyone from friends and family to their favorite businesses. In fact, it is not just young people that love social media. A variety of age groups are making the most of what these platforms have to offer.

If you have a business in the food industry, you want to make sure that you are visible on social media, Nine27 Co, a digital marketing agency is the best option for you. Let’s take a closer look at why:

Social Media Means a Bigger Audience

Let’s hit the nail on the head and answer the question. Does social media help with food marketing? The answer is yes. Think about how many people have a social media account and this means they can all be potential customers for your brand. This is somewhere you can build brand awareness and really let people know what you are all about. Sure, you should be working on moving up the ranks on Google. But, not everyone is going to be searching for your website. So, social media is a way to access a bigger audience.

Of course, there is a lot to learn when it comes to social media and using it to promote your business. Using the likes of Twitter and Instagram for personal use is not the same as representing your brand. You will need to keep up with trends and changes in order to benefit from these platforms. You can read this blog post to find out about the latest updates and additions for popular social media platforms. This way, you can are kept in the loop and you can make sure that everyone you are doing will benefit your brand and not just waste your time.

So, how exactly can social media help with food marketing? We have established that it definitely can help you build an audience and enjoy more sales. But, let’s break down what you can do on social media to make this happen.

Share New Content

Imagine that you have created new content that shows off the best parts of your brand. You spend hours creating the blog post or video content and then you post it on your website. But, if your audience does not know about this new content, you will have wasted all of your time and effort.

So, this is where social media can help you. On different platforms, you can get the word out about your new content. You can tweet and share the link to it or you can post the content straight onto Instagram. Either way, you are going to attract a new audience to your content and share what you have been working on. This can reach a larger audience than just posting it on your site.

Interact With Customers

Remember that it is very important to build a relationship with customers. They want to feel connected to the brands they buy. The good thing about social media is that this is a great place to do it. You can post content and engage with people. This can include asking questions, doing polls or asking for images from customers. All this is an opportunity to build a connection with people.

Consumers want to feel like their brand acknowledges them. So, you need to be active on and make sure that you reply to people. Even liking posts on Instagram can make people feel good and it can be a fun experience for everyone. Be prepared to have some fun and make sure that you check out how customers are interacting with your social media platforms.

Partner With an Influencer

Years ago, a career on social media was unheard of. Now, it is something that a lot of young people are aspiring to do. This is because there is a lot of money to be made here, as well as some people enjoy being in the limelight. Having thousands or millions of followers is something that can work for businesses.

From a food marketing point of view, working with an influencer can be highly beneficial. You can partner with a social media personality and they can introduce your brand to their audience. This means that new people will see your brand and may be interested in what you do. This is particularly true if they are related to your business in some way. For instance, you will want to partner with gym influencers if you are marketing healthy products. You might not have been able to reach them if it was not for an influencer.